The "Gutter Slut" is a portable vertical dipole antenna intended for temporary use. It gets it's name from the fact that it's made to quickly clip on to a gutter and is quite happy to go with any frequency from 80mhz to 108mhz. Hence, it is indeed a slut. Perfect for "Pop-Up Pirates" (a term i've just come up with due to pop-up shops and an old kids game from the 70's, meaning, go somewhere with a low power transmitter, find a clear frequency and start blatantly transmitting for a while, then running away to another location before getting caught). It's made from various bits of crap i had laying about. The elements are from a 30 year old rabbit ears tv antenna that came from a boot fair for 20p, they are each a metre in length so easily cover the whole radio range. When collapsed they are just nine inches. They are held by cable ties to a plastic bracket made from the blanking plate off the front of a PC tower, cut to shape with tin snips. This is then screwed to a pole with self tapping screws. The pole is an old fibreglass ariel from, of all things, a hovercraft. The clips to snap it to the gutter were made from the lid of a can of spray paint, cut out then melted into a hook. The telescopic elements make it very easy to SWR in. We got it to 1.3:1 in like just over a minute. This is just a rough prototype, v.2 will have hinged elements and a telescopic boom so it can all fold down neatly to a 10 inch pole and chucked in a rucksack. This is my thing at the moment, chuck a laptop, midi controller, transmitter and antenna in a rucksack and it's a station in a bag! Lol!
All in all it performed fine, just like any other dipole.
And yes, i do love my funky rug. It was only £10.99 reduced from £49.99 in Argos. You too can have a funky rug by following this link >>> CLICK HERE FOR FUNKY ARGOS RUG <<< :D